Are We There Yet? - The First Morin Cars

Grandmother Kathryn Dillon Morin came from a family of blacksmiths and wagon makers and made the transition to modern transportation when she married a man who loved the automobile. It is apparent from the many cars George Morin owned and the road trips they took. Their summer trips took them from Chicago to Mt. Vernon, Virginia, and Pittsburgh to Newport Beach, Rhode Island as well as Lexington, Massachusetts. There were also regular visits from grandparents Arthur and Azilda Morin who traveled from Rhode Island to Pittsburgh. Is it any wonder we love travel today?

First car called "The Flint" in Virginia - 1925

George, Bob and Rosemary with cousins?
George, Jr. and cousin Charlotte Greene- 1926

McConnel's Mills at Slippery Rock, PA - 1933

George, Sr. and Jr, Kathryn and Rosemary - 1933

George and Kathryn with Cora and Ralph Ferraro - 1933
George, Jr. on far right

George Jr in Florida

The back of this photo indicates that this car was called "The Katey" and that George, Sr. "built this car over in Pittsburgh."

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